Additional information
Sponsorships and Tickets | Premier, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Sign, Ticket, Couple Ticket, Table of 10 |
$55.00 – $900.00
The Excellence Awards are coming back this fall and we are ready to give out amazing awards to our growing list of members. Last year our nominees received over 1,000 public vote in over 50 categories including Business of the Year which was won by Fraudin Advanced Chiropractic and Vision Source South Hills.
The event will take place at The Chartiers Room in Bridgeville, PA from 5 pm to 9 pm on October 24th, 2019. DJ, Drinks and Heavy Appetizers included.
All members in good standing are included as nominees and promotion of their name will be shared by the public vote throughout the months of September and October. There will also be a Woman of the Year as well as a Man of the Year Award as well this year.
Sponsorships are available
PREMIER LEVEL $900- Logo on all promotional material, one month on digital outdoor signboard, social media ad across all platforms, 5 minute presentation at event, logo on photo backdrop and logo on scrolling screen at event. Announcement of the Member of the Year. 10 Tickets to Event. Only one Premier Sponsor Available
GOLD LEVEL $650 Logo on all promotional material, one month on digital outdoor signboard, social media ad across all platforms, logo on scrolling screen at event. Announcement of the Woman of the Year Award or Man of the Year Award. Five Tickets to Event Only Two Gold Sponsorship Available.
SILVER LEVEL $450 Logo on all promotional material, one month on digital outdoor signboard, social media ad across all platforms, logo on scrolling screen at event. Announcement of an award category. Two Tickets to Event.
BRONZE LEVEL $250 Logo on all promotional material, two weeks on digital outdoor signboard, logo on scrolling screen at event. Announcement of an award category. One Ticket to Event.
SIGN SPONSOR $100: Company Name on Promotional Poster at Event and Two Weeks on Digital Outdoor Sign-Board
Gift Baskets and Giveaways are also appreciated
Call with Questions 412.221.4100
Early Bird Member $45
Early Bird Member Couple $65
Early Bird Non-Member $55
Early Bird Non-Member Couple $85
Early Bird Ends October15th
Member $55
Member Couple $85
General Non-Member $75
General Non-Member Couple $100
Pricing After October 15th
Sponsorships and Tickets | Premier, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Sign, Ticket, Couple Ticket, Table of 10 |